Transitions and Animations
Vegas uses CSS3 transitions, older browsers will display a simple fade transition.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], transition: 'fade' });
Two versions are available for each transition. The subtle nuance is a transition is also applied to the disapearing slide too. The transition duration is set in milliseconds by the transitionDuration option.
Transition can be set to random for a randomly picked transition. You can define a list of specific transitions with an array.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], transition: [ 'fade', 'zoomOut', 'swirlLeft' ] });
You can create your own transitions.
A transition has 3 classes. They must be prefixed by .vegas-transition
to be{name}
is the initial state applied when the slide is{name}-in
is applied when the slide{name}-out
is applied when the slide disappears.
It's a good practice to provide 2 versions. Below the default fade transition.
.vegas-transition-fade, .vegas-transition-fade2 { opacity: 0; } .vegas-transition-fade-in, .vegas-transition-fade2-in { opacity: 1; } .vegas-transition-fade2-out { opacity: 0; }
In order to be available in the random mode, new transitions must be added to the transitions list.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], transitionRegister: [ 'myTransition1', 'myTransition2' ] });
Vegas uses CSS3 animations, older browsers will ignore them.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], animation: 'kenburns' });
The animation duration is set in milliseconds by the animationDuration option.
Animation can be set to random for a randomly picked animation. You can define a list of specific animations with an array.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], animation: [ 'kenburnsUp', 'kenburnsDown', 'kenburnsLeft', 'kenburnsRight' ] });
You can create your own animations. They must be named as .vegas-animation-{name}
to be recognized.
Below the default kenburns animation (no vendor prefixes).
.vegas-animation-kenburns { animation: kenburns ease-out; } @keyframes kenburns { 0% { transform: scale(1.5); } 100% { transform: scale(1); } }
In order to be available in the random mode, new animations must be added to the animations list.
${ slides: [ { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' }, { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' } ], animationRegister: [ 'myAnimation1', 'myAnimation2' ] });
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