
Options and settings


Slideshow options and settings

Option Default Description
slide 0 Index number of initial slide.
preload false Preload both images and videos at start.
preload­Image false Preload images at start. preload must be false .
preload­Video false Preload videos at start. preload must be false .
timer true Display/hide timer bar.
The timer class is .vegas-timer-progress .
overlay false Display/hide the overlay. Could be true false or the path of an overlay image pattern. These image can be found in the overlays folder. Read the Overlay section for more information.
autoplay true Start the Slideshow automatically.
loop true Loop the Slideshow.
shuffle false The array of slides is shuffled before.
delay 5000 Delay beetween slides in milliseconds.
cover truetrue the slide image is scaled to fit the container.
false the slide image is displayed entirely.
repeat the slide image is repeated.
color - Slide background color.
align center Horizontal alignment of the image in the slide.
Could be center top right bottom left or a percentage.
valign center Vertical alignment of the image in the slide.
Could be center top right bottom left or a percentage.
transition fade Set the transition between slides. Could be a transition name, random or an array of transition picked randomly.
Read the Transition section for more information.
transition­Duration 1000 Set the transition duration in milliseconds. Could be auto so the transition duration will be equal to the slide delay .
firstTransition - Set the transition for the first played slide. Could be a transition name, random or an array of transition picked randomly.
Read the Transition section for more information.
firstTransition­Duration - Set the transition duration in milliseconds for the first played slide. Could be auto so the transition duration will be equal to the slide delay .
transition­Register - Add custom transitions to the transitions list available in random mode. Read the Transition section for more information.
animation - Set the animation of the slides. Could be an animation name, random or an array of transition picked randomly.
Read the Transition section for more information.
animation­Duration auto Set the animation duration in milliseconds. Could be auto so the animation duration will be equal to the slide delay .
animation­Register - Add custom animations to the animations list available in random mode. Read the Transition section for more information.
slidesToKeep 1 Number of slides to keep in the background before removing it.
slides - Array of slides.
Read the option section for more information.
    delay: 7000,
    timer: false,
    shuffle: true,
    firstTransition: 'fade',
    firstTransitionDuration: 5000,
    transition: 'slideDown2',
    transitionDuration: 2000,
    slides: [
        { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide4.jpg' }
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Slide settings

Specific slide options and settings.

Option Default Description
src - Path of the image.
video - Path of the video. Could be a string or an array of sources.
 Read the Video section for more information.
delay 5000 Delay beetween slides in milliseconds.
cover truetrue the background image is scaled to fit the container.
false the background image is displayed entirely.
color - Slide background color.
align center Horizontal alignment of the image in the slide.
Could be center top right bottom left or a percentage.
valign center Vertical alignment of the image in the slide.
Could be center top right bottom left or a percentage.
transition fade Set the transition of this slide. Could be a transition name, random or an array of transition picked randomly.
Read the Transition section for more information.
transition­Duration 1000 Set the transition duration in milliseconds. Could be auto so the transition duration will be equal to the slide delay .
animation - Set the animation of this slide. Could be an animation name, random or an array of transition picked randomly.
Read the Transition section for more information.
animation­Duration auto Set the animation duration in milliseconds. Could be auto so the animation duration will be equal to the slide delay .
    timer: false,
    transition: 'slideLeft2',
    slides: [
        { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide2.jpg', transition: 'slideRight2' },
        { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide4.jpg', transition: 'slideRight2' }
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Callbacks and events

Vegas provides callback functions and events triggers on init, play, pause and slide change.

Option Event Description
init vegasinit Function called when Vegas is applied to an element.
play vegasplay Function called when Vegas starts to play the slideshow.
pause vegaspause Function called when Vegas pauses the slideshow.
walk vegaswalk Function called when Vegas changes the slide.
end vegasend Function called when the Slideshow is completed (loop: false).
    slides: [
        { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide4.jpg' }
    init: function (globalSettings) {
    play: function (index, slideSettings) {
    walk: function (index, slideSettings) {
        console.log("Slide index " + index + " image " + slideSettings.src);
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$elmt.on('vegaspause', function (e, index, slideSettings) {
    console.log("Pause on Slide index " + index);


Overlays are repeated dot pattern that can be applied to reduce artefact effects on scaled backgrounds.

    slides: [
        { src: '/img/slide1.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide2.jpg' },
        { src: '/img/slide3.jpg' }
    overlay: true
  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 07
  • 08
  • 09

The overlay class .


Experimental video support is provided as a bonus . Video backgrounds could not behave as expected on some browsers. Use it at your own risk :)

Option Default Description
video.src [] Array of videos files
video.loop true Loop the video
video.muted true Mute the sound of the video
    slides: [
        {   src: '/img/slide1.jpg' },
        {   src: '/img/slide2.jpg',
            video: {
                src: [
                loop: false,
                muted: true
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